# * By Khas Arcthunder - arcthunder.site40.net
# * Version: 4.1 EN
# * Released on: 13/02/2012
# * Terms of Use
# Terms of Use June 22, 2012
# 1. You must give credit to Khas;
# 2. All Khas scripts are licensed under a Creative Commons license
# 3. All Khas scripts are free for non-commercial projects. If you need some
# script for your commercial project, check bellow these terms which
# scripts are free and which scripts are paid for commercial use;
# 4. All Khas scripts are for personal use, you can use or edit for your own
# project, but you are not allowed to post any modified version;
# 5. You cant give credit to yourself for posting any Khas script;
# 6. If you want to share a Khas script, dont post the script or the direct
# download link, please redirect the user to http://arcthunder.site40.net/
# 7. You are not allowed to convert any of Khas scripts to another engine,
# such converting a RGSS3 script to RGSS2 or something of that nature.
# 8. Its your obligation (user) to check these terms on the date you release
# your game. Your project must follow them correctly.
# Free commercial use scripts:
# - Sapphire Action System IV (RPG Maker VX Ace)
# - Awesome Light Effects (RPG Maker VX Ace)
# - Pixel movement (RPG Maker VX e RPG Maker VX Ace)
# - Sprite & Window Smooth Sliding (RPG Maker VX e RPG Maker VX Ace)
# - Pathfinder (RPG Maker VX Ace)
# Check all the terms at http://arcthunder.site40.net/terms/
# * Features
# Optimized SAS IV HUD.
# * Configuration
module HUD_Core
Background_Name = "hud_bg"
Contents_Width = 600
Contents_Height = 550
Font_Size = 16
Font_Name = "Verdana"
Font_Color = Color.new(255,255,255)
Font_Bold = true
Font_Italic = false
No_Skill_Icon = 117
Health_X = 219
Health_Y = 415
Health_Width = 10
Health_Height = 64
Health_Color = Color.new(255,0,0)
Exp_X = 390
Exp_Y = 411
Exp_Width = 150
Exp_Height = 3
Exp_Color = Color.new(0,255,255)
Magic_X = 319
Magic_Y = 415
Magic_Width = 10
Magic_Height = 64
Magic_Color = Color.new(10,0,220)
Name_X = 76
Name_Y = 20
Spell_X = 444
Spell_Y = 20
Icon_X = 498
Icon_Y = 28
Level_X = 10
Level_Y = 60
Level_String = "Lv "
# * Register
if $khas_awesome.nil?
$khas_awesome = []
scripts = []
$khas_awesome.each { |script| scripts << script[0] }
unless scripts.include?("Sapphire Action System")
error = Sprite.new
error.bitmap = Bitmap.new(544,416)
error.bitmap.draw_text(0,208,544,32,"Please install the Sapphire Action System IV",1)
continue = Sprite.new
continue.bitmap = Bitmap.new(544,416)
continue.bitmap.font.color = Color.new(0,255,0)
continue.bitmap.font.size = error.bitmap.font.size - 3
continue.bitmap.draw_text(0,384,544,32,"Tecle ENTER para sair",1)
add = Math::PI/80; max = 2*Math::PI; angle = 0
loop do
Graphics.update; Input.update
angle += add; angle %= max
continue.opacity = 185 + 70* Math.cos(angle)
break if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
error.bitmap.dispose; continue.bitmap.dispose
error.bitmap = nil; continue.bitmap = nil
error.dispose; continue.dispose
error = nil; continue = nil
$khas_awesome << ["SAS HUD",4.0]
# * Script
class Sapphire_Hud
include HUD_Core
def initialize
@contents = Sprite.new
@background = Sprite.new
@base = Sprite.new
@contents.bitmap = Bitmap.new(Contents_Width, Contents_Height)
@base.bitmap = Bitmap.new(Contents_Width, Contents_Height)
@background.bitmap = Cache.system(Background_Name)
@base.bitmap.font.bold = Font_Bold
@base.bitmap.font.italic = Font_Italic
@base.bitmap.font.size = Font_Size
@base.bitmap.font.color = Font_Color
@base.bitmap.font.name = Font_Name
@contents.z = 210
@background.z = 0
@base.z = 220
@locked = false
def refresh_bars(current_hp=@actor.hp)
return if @hidden
hp = ((current_hp)*100)/@actor.mhp
mp = (@actor.mp*100)/@actor.mmp
exp = ((@actor.exp-@actor.current_level_exp)*Exp_Width)/(@actor.next_level_exp-@actor.current_level_exp)
$game_map.screen.pictures[2].show('Barra de HP', 2, Health_X,Health_Y, 100, hp, 255, 0)
$game_map.screen.pictures[2].move(2, Health_X,Health_Y, 100, hp, 255, 0, 60)
$game_map.screen.pictures[3].show('Barra de MP', 2, Magic_X,Magic_Y, 100, mp, 255, 0)
$game_map.screen.pictures[3].move(2, Magic_X,Magic_Y, 100, mp, 255, 0, 60)
def refresh_base
return if @hidden
@actor = $game_party.members[0]
skill = $game_player.current_skill[0]
@base.bitmap.draw_text(Name_X, Name_Y,100,Font_Size+4,@actor.name)
@base.bitmap.draw_text(Level_X, Level_Y,64,Font_Size+4,Level_String+@actor.level.to_s,1)
temp = Cache.system("Iconset")
unless skill.nil?
temp = nil
def hide(lock=false)
unless @background.nil?
@background = nil
unless @base.nil?
@base = nil
unless @contents.nil?
@contents = nil
@hidden = true
@locked = lock unless @locked
def show(unlock=false)
@actor = $game_party.members[0]
return if @locked && !unlock
@contents = Sprite.new
@background = Sprite.new
@base = Sprite.new
@contents.bitmap = Bitmap.new(Contents_Width, Contents_Height)
@base.bitmap = Bitmap.new(Contents_Width, Contents_Height)
@background.bitmap = Cache.system(Background_Name)
@base.bitmap.font.bold = Font_Bold
@base.bitmap.font.italic = Font_Italic
@base.bitmap.font.size = Font_Size
@base.bitmap.font.color = Font_Color
@base.bitmap.font.name = Font_Name
@contents.z = 210
@background.z = 0
@base.z = 220
@hidden = false
@locked = false